Our Editorial Selection

Baptiste Friscourt
24/05/2023 • 13 min

Daniel Sheehan, J.D.-UAP: Washington under pressure?

Renowned attorney Daniel Sheehan described during a noteworthy interview the power struggles unfolding in Washington regarding the study of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).

Baptiste Friscourt
23/05/2023 • 4 min

Dozens of US Marines witnessed strange lights near a military base

Reporter Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp uncovered a mass sighting event in 2021 in California, witnessed by military personnel for 10 minutes.

Baptiste Friscourt
22/05/2023 • 9 min

Extraterrestrial intelligence-Dr. Garry Nolan: "It's still here."

Stanford's renowned immunologist Dr. Garry Nolan declared during a remarkable interview that ET intelligence "hasn't just visited, it's been here a long time."

Garry Nolan: A Stanford Professor’s Quest to Resolve Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena

Edoardo Russo
21/05/2023 • 1 min

A Scientific Anthology on UFO Witness Testimony

How reliable is the witness? An international collection of scientific papers about the central human factor in UFO reports

Baptiste Friscourt
18/05/2023 • 7 min

The Galileo Project Expands Horizons

Harvard's Galileo Project, a scientific endeavour aiming to study Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, published his first paper.

Sébastien Raoult
24/04/2023 • 8 min

Panic in the skies

In early February 2023, a media frenzy was caused by a spectacular video of a Chinese stratospheric balloon, shot down by an American jet fighter. In total, four objects flying in American airspace were neutralized. Three of which remain officially unidentified.

Guillaume Fournier Airaud
29/03/2023 • 11 min

50-year-old report backs Pentagon Whistleblower's claims on UAP

Objects of non-human origin, a cover-up, a secret program... A report by an Australian physicist echoes the fresh allegations of whistleblower David Grusch. And yet, this authentic and easily accessible document dates back to 1971.

Baptiste Friscourt
10/03/2023 • 18 min

French Air and Space Force Event Examines New Challenges Occurring at High Altitudes

On January 9th, the French Air and Space Force (FASF) held an event that examined emerging high-altitude challenges.

Michaël Vaillant
10/01/2023 • 8 min

Are we Alone in the Universe?

A classic question that leads to another: are we visited by extraterrestrial intelligences? Who can affirm that today and what can be said about it?

Michaël Vaillant
05/01/2023 • 4 min

The future of research on UAP in France

The United States is making major progress on the issue of the study of UAP. Why not in France?

Julien Geffray
24/12/2022 • 2 min

Approval of the NDAA for the FY 2023

The NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023) for the Fiscal Year 2023 was finally approved by Biden this December 2022.

Baptiste Friscourt
19/12/2022 • 6 min

Astronauts, Historians

The International Symposium on UAP Research, a virtual event organized by the company Vertical Project Media, was held on October 16th, 2022.

Baptiste Friscourt
28/10/2022 • 11 min

The French Government’s Space Agency Just Hosted an International Conference on UAP.

Researchers from around the world recently gathered in France to discuss the best data involving unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).

Stavros Hatzopoulos
24/02/2022 • 3 min

The First Issue of Limina – a Scientific  Journal of UAP studies

Here comes the long-expected first issue of the new peer-reviewed journal by SUAPS (the Society for UAP Studies)