27/08/2024 • 5 min

Luis Elizondo offers window into US government's hunt for UFOs

ABC News talks to the former Pentagon insider about his new book,\ #Pentagon

Lue Elizondo on making public government information about UFOs

Brandi Vincent
26/08/2024 • 3 min

Top NSA researcher tapped to lead Pentagon’s UAP investigation hub

Jon Kosloski is taking the helm at the Defense Department's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office. #AARO #DOD

Former Director of U.S. Government UFO Office Departs from Consultant Role as Successor is Named

JEFF ROWE Associated Press
20/08/2024 • 3 min

Book Review: Former Pentagon insider says U.S. unwilling to release all its UFO info

In “Imminent,” long-time Defense Department researcher Luis Elizondo argues that mysterious flying objects, now called unidentified anomalous phenomena, pose a national security threat #Pentagon

Rony Vernet
07/08/2024 • 2 min

Brazilian National Archives Released new Batch of UAP Documents

The Brazilian National Archives published 35 new documents related to incidents between UFOs and commercial pilots. #Air Force