Search by tag: « expert »

55 articles found

Stockport woman spots bizarre Tic-Tac 'UFO' from her garden
Source de l'article : Daily Mail
EXCLUSIVE: Woman spots two 'UFOs' from her garden in Stockport including one resembling the white 'Tic-Tac' spotted by the US Navy in 2004 - and experts are baffled
Source de l'article : Daily Mail
Nessie's as big as a double-decker bus
Source de l'article : Daily Mail
UFO expert gives cryptic clue to location where crashed alien spacecraft is stored
Source de l'article : DailyStar
Chilling images of disc-shaped UFO seen by 12 airline staff as experts baffled
Source de l'article : The Mirror
UK village known as 'UFO hotspot' with locals casually seeing 'those spaceship things'
Source de l'article : The Mirror
Did Nessie just poke her head above the water?
Source de l'article : Daily Mail
EXCLUSIVE: Are aliens controlling us in a computer game?
Source de l'article : Daily Mail
Brit crocodile expert 'raped puppies and killed 39 dogs' he called his 'f*** toys'
Source de l'article : DailyStar
NASA should take inspiration from 'films like Armageddon' for asteroid plan
Source de l'article : DailyStar
NASA slammed for ignoring 'alien abductions' 50 years since fishermen's ET horror
Source de l'article : DailyStar