Search by tag: « orb »

86 articles found

Space X spiral spotted across UK night skies as Brits baffled by 'UFO' swirls
Source de l'article : The Mirror
Glowing spiral orb spotted across UK night skies as Brits baffled by mystery spinning UFO
Source de l'article : The Mirror
Classified video shows 'white orb' emerging from the sea
Source de l'article : Unexplained Mysteries
Internship Opportunity at the SETI Institute
Source de l'article : SETI Institute
Close Encounters of the Rocky Kind
Source de l'article : SETI Institute
NASA offers explanation for mysterious object orbiting the Moon
Source de l'article : Unexplained Mysteries
'Otherworldly' blue spiral appears in the middle of the Northern Lights
Source de l'article : Daily Mail
CHRISTOPHER SHARP: Get over it, UFOs DO exist… as the latest extraordinary sighting proves. Now the terrifying question: which power has the technology that has us baffled - and beaten?
Source de l'article : Daily Mail
Jeremy Corbell Affirms
Source de l'article : Liberation Times
UFO Revolutions docuseries 'blow up decades of conspiracies' and introduces key figures who helped force Congress and the Pentagon to investigate if extraterrestrial crafts exist
Source de l'article : Daily Mail
Mysterious 'jellyfish' UFO filmed floating over US military base
Source de l'article : Unexplained Mysteries
ex-Marine intel analyst goes public on 2017 'Jellyfish' UFO over Iraq
Source de l'article : Daily Mail