Search by tag: « Triangle »

16 articles found

'I was abducted by 6ft aliens in terrifying ordeal after spotting UFO in the sky'
Source de l'article : The Mirror
Inside mystery of 'Alaska Triangle' where travellers keep disappearing
Source de l'article : The Mirror
Beauty spot becomes UFO hotbed as couple spot aliens during firework display
Source de l'article : The Mirror
Terrified man says 6ft aliens with 4 fingers kidnapped him - and expert says UFOs do exist
Source de l'article : The Mirror
As it's claimed governments are covering up the truth about aliens, are UFO sightings in a sleepy Welsh village that's the subject of a Steven Spielberg Netflix documentary proof we're not alone?
Source de l'article : Daily Mail
Locals have reported nearly 2
Source de l'article : Daily Mail
Netflix show 'Encounters' explores Broad Haven Triangle mystery
Source de l'article : Unexplained Mysteries
You've heard of the Bermuda Triangle
Source de l'article : Daily Mail
'Alaska Triangle' where 20
Source de l'article : Daily Mail
Mysterious 'Alaska Triangle' where 20
Source de l'article : The Mirror
Mystery of 'Alaska Triangle' where 20
Source de l'article : DailyStar
UFOs spotted miles from major US city in swamp home to 'shapeshifting creature'
Source de l'article : The Mirror