The Dutch Safety Board (OVV) is an independent administrative body and conducts independent investigations into (underlying) causes of incidents and themes in which citizens depend on others for their safety, such as the government, companies or institutions. With the aim of improving safety in the Netherlands.
In the aviation domain, the Safety Board investigates serious incidents and accidents that have occurred on Dutch territory or in Dutch airspace. Anyone can report any situation or incident to the Safety Board. The Board then independently weighs up whether an investigation will be initiated.
If an unsafe situation has occurred, the Safety Board may decide to investigate the UAP report further. This offers an important step towards safer airspace with regard to UAP.
This important development is happening five months after a meeting that UAP Coalition Netherlands had with the Dutch Safety Board (OVV) in The Hague, on April 22, 2024.

During that meeting, UAPCNL took the opportunity to draw the attention of the OVV to issues related to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). The pleasant conversation focused on the importance of research and analysis of these phenomena, with specific attention to aviation safety. The meeting offered UAP Coalition Netherlands the opportunity to explain its views and emphasize the relevance of the subject.

As UAP Coalition, we are pleased that the OVV has now announced that they want to receive UAP reports from Dutch aviation professionals. Airspace can be endangered by experiences with UAP, so it is positive that an independent administrative body wants to gain more insight into this and takes reports seriously. We see this as recognition and an important step towards achieving our goals.