New Year’s Day 2024 had not yet arrived when CENAP issued its annual press release about sighting reports arrived to the German UFO hotline in 2023: a staggering total of 807!
CENAP is the Centralen Erforschungs-Netz außergewöhnlicher Himmels-Phänomene (Central Research Network of Extraordinary Sky Phenomena), a private group founded in Mannheim, Germany, in 1973.
CENAP has long been operating a UFO reporting hotline by phone and web access, and has collected more than 10,000 testimonies so far. Each one is analysed and an explanation is sought whenever possible.
The hotline has claimed a higher number of UFO sightings reported to them in the last three years.

As for 2023, the Starlink satellites repeated appearances are at the top of the reported observations (18%), although they diminuished if compared to the previous year. On the contrary, a higher percentage of reports were caused by man-made objects like aircrafts, helicopters, drones and balloons (30%), and a regularly high quantity of unrecognized stimuli in the night sky was due to astronomical causes (planets and bright stars, totalling 23%) despite intense city lights should make it difficult to see them.
Another increasing category of reports are cell phone photos and videos, showing all types of lens reflections as well as incursions of insects and birds, not to say of a lot of blurred orbs of bright planets and stars (caused by overestimated zoom properties of phone cameras).
Only 12 out of the total of 807 reports had insufficient data for attempting a reasoned identification. And CENAP received only 3 fake stories, easy to be recognized as such.
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