2024-03-04 Italian Air Force Releases UFO Annual Report 2023

Rome (Italy) – Since 1978, the Italian Air Force, known as Aeronautica Militare Italiana (AMI), has been investigating sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), referred to here as “Oggetti Volanti Non Identificati” (OVNI), and has been publishing annual reports on these sightings and their investigations since 2001.

Source: Aeronautica Militare Italiana

Now, the security department “Stato Maggiore dell’Aeronautica – Reparto Generale Sicurezza” has presented its OVNI report for 2023 and has also revised its statistics. While there were 14 cases in 2022, the report for 2023 appears rather sparse with just two events. However, for both of these sightings, the department could not find a conventional explanation, “which is why the sightings were also cataloged as OVNI.”.

  • In the first case, on February 2, 2023, at 12:28 p.m., a metallic, reflective, and self-rotating sphere was sighted over Pesaro, moving quickly in an easterly direction under clear skies. In conclusion, it is explained: “Based on the available data used for the investigations, there are no matches between what was reported and known flight activities or other known phenomena. Only a radio probe was launched from San Pietro Campofiume at 12 p.m. The event was cataloged as OVNI.”

  • In the second case, on May 14, 2023, at 9:58 p.m., a whitish luminous, fluorescent cylindrical object was observed floating slowly from west to east, high in the clear sky over Torricella in Sabina. In conclusion, it is also explained: “Based on the available data used for the investigations, there are no matches between what was reported and known flight activities or other known phenomena. The event was cataloged as OVNI.”

Both sightings were submitted by civilians.

Regarding its own UFO investigations, the Italian Air Force explains:
“Following the reconnaissance data on Oggetti Volanti Non Identificati (OVNI) from 1978, the President of the Government Council, Giulio Andreotti, appointed the Air Force as the charged organization for the reconnaissance, verification, and monitoring of OVNI reports. The current activity history is led by the Department of General Security of the Air Force (Stato Maggiore dell’Aeronautica – Reparto Generale Sicurezza). Anyone who wishes to report an event that may be associated with a UFO can do so using the provided form. After completion, it must be submitted to the nearest Carabinieri station. This measure enables the Air Force to initiate a technical investigation to determine whether there is a connection to human events and/or natural phenomena, which may also involve other competent authorities at the national level.

Statistical analysis of the local distribution of UFO sightings in Italy 2001–2023 – Source: Aeronautica.Difesa.it

The aim of this activity is to ensure flight safety and national security. After the investigations are concluded, the incidents will be published under the “Sightings” section of this page, and if no technical or natural explanation is found, the incident will be classified as a sighting of an unidentified flying object (UFO/OVNI).

  • Aeronautica Militare’s OVNI website with all UFO annual reports, statistics, and further information can be found HERE

© Andreas Müller, grenzwissenschaft-aktuell.de

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