2024-04-25 March 20, 2024: The First European UAP Day? – Part 1

On Wednesday March 20, 2024, the European Parliament hosted a meeting in Brussels on Unidentified Abnormal Phenomena (abbreviated UAP, or PAN in French). The event, the first on UFOs in the European Parliament in over 30 years, was organized on the initiative of MEP Francisco Guerreiro, a member of the Greens/EFA political group.

2024-03-15 Resolution on a European regulation for UFO investigation submitted to the EU Parliament

Portuguese EuroParliament member Francisco Guerreiro now formally submitted a resolution proposal for the civil reporting, collection, and evaluation of UAP sightings


L’argomento UFO è tornato di recente al Parlamento europeo, ma non è un fatto nuovo. Questa interazione ha i suoi alti e bassi da più di 30 anni. Ecco la storia completa (Parte 2) Di Jochen Ickinger Interrogazioni parlamentari Interrogazione del 31 gennaio 2024 L’interrogazione più recente è quella del 31 gennaio 2024, in cui … Read more

2023-03-29 50 ans avant David Grusch, Harry Turner sonnait déjà l’alarme

By NASA - Armstrong Photo Gallery: Home - info - picGreat Images in NASA: Home - info - pic, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6448042

Des OVNI d’origine non humaine, une opération de dissimulation, un programme secret… Le rapport d’un physicien australien pour son gouvernement fait écho aux allégations toutes fraîches du lanceur d’alerte David Grusch. Et pourtant, ce document, authentique et accessible à tous, date de 1971.